Restructuring Nigeria................ Santussly

Whether what the President said was a misrepresentation or misinterpretation, I think, I'm of the opinion that Nigerians are categorically uninterested in the development and welfare of the nation,  starting from Mr. President to the newly born baby... *When we say Nigeria is not working* I think the statement is referring not to non living, irrational and inanimate objects.. But when we say *Nigeria is not working* it implies that, we all are not working, we are not functioning, we are useless.. *Including the president*... It's  clear Rome was not built in a day, but it's  also glaring that Romans were interested in the development of their nation...  God needed just Moses to deliver the people of Israel from bondage in Egypt, Jesus needed just 12 Apostles to spread his Gospel to the ends of the earth, Germans needed just Hitler for the actualization of the Absolute spirit that led to the great Genocide (killing of the Jews) 
Now, Nigerian youths are more than what I have listed above. Why can't we fight our noble cause, why can't we arise O compatriots, why can't we obey Nigeria's call, why can't we protect the labours of our hero's past, why can't we serve our fatherland with all our capacities. 
What we fail to acknowledge is the fact that no white nor brown man will fight our battle for us..  It's pathetic that those who fought for our independence are still the ones ruling us till date, some came to power while they were youths and are still agitating for power while they are old..  Though they say the children of today are the leaders of tomorrow. But the question is... When are we to determine the spot when “tomorrow" starts,  if not today. 
Now, the primary elections are going on, some are inconclusive, while some polls are stolen, even the nominees were fighting right on the voting venue. Now out of these people, someone will emerge as the candidate, where has things gone wrong in Nigeria? 
If will continue to be unconcerned, when the day of reckoning comes you won't be spared.  

 According to *Martin Niemöller* 
*First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.* 
It is unfortunate that Africans have been termed over the years as irrational, barbaric,  inferior and backwardness. But is this true of us? for me it is a capital NO. *The stillness of a river does not imply the absence of a crocodile.* I know Africans are intelligent, creative, energetic and visionary. What I think hinders these potentials is unwillingness to take the responsibility... 
The Psalmist says... If I forget you O Jerusalem, let my right hand wither. This is to show the extent to which the people of Israel cherish their nation.. We Nigerians can do the same. 
If this piece raise any concerns in your mind, then you should be part of the restructuring.... 
.......................................  SANTUS, 2018....................................... 


I am just an ink in the hands of the eternal writer to imprint sophia and to unveil the fogs in human faculty

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