A Collection of Quotes by Santus

Don't worry when things are not the way they should... It has happened before, it is still happening presently, God's ways are all awesome and miraculous... It also takes time.. Just be patient... 

When you let posterity in your way of life, life becomes extremely beautiful...  Also, believing in yourself takes preference to what others see in you... Santus

Remain pure even when refined... That is the principle of a good quality... santus

Asking a girl over for a dinner is out of courtesy but touching her inappropriately is getting out of boundary.... Santus

Whoever loves you also cares about you, reciprocity matters a lot.. Santus 

He who can't take risks does not worth the medal... Santus

Environment determines to a greater extent our disposition to life and its peculiar situations... Santus

When you lose your human dignity and respect, you then weigh less than a penny... Santus

No one is perfect, you do know everyone needs a second chance.... Santus 

Put your mind, heart, energy and potentials in whatever you do so that when the result is out, you will be proud to come out for it.... Santus

The choices we make determine our values and worth.... Some decisions are better made now than later... You have been presented with Love or hate, life or death... Choose .... Santus

The more the sun shines, the more the moon brightens and the more the star blinks so does your beauty glows..... Santus

To portray something you need another thing for a perfect match. 👌


Don't always be a passerby... Get something correct as you pass by. 


There is a big rift between understanding and ignorance, you don't assume what has not been proven right,  justified or being right.  


Some decisions are hard to make but not impossible to take, some paths are rough to sight but not impossible to walk.. Life doesn't come with everything we desire, some things are kept as voyage for our own discovery... Santus

Whatever is not enough today will be sufficient tomorrow.. Just keep your head up and high... Santus 

Your essence is your worth, your potentiality is your power... Santus

One little thing can redefine a dangling life. Hence, be cautious of that little thing you feel like ignoring.. Santus

Nothing is yours, not even your body nor your life is yours. You are to be grateful for all you have been entrusted with. To whom much is given, much is expected. Be grateful for the least you have and count your blessings and name them one by one and you will be surprised what God has done... Santus 

Sometimes when you are at a point where making a choice or decision becomes so hard, it is better to think about two things before making any move... Others first before yourself.... Santus

Your parents are the ones who helped you take your first step in life, it is a blessing for their children to help them take the last steps of their life... Santus 

One of the hallmarks of a gentleman is the ability to manage disappointments... Santus. 

It is what it is, it is not what it is not... Make it safe and secure for others as much as yourself... Santus

Often times, I have heard people say the earth is a market place, but to a great extent, the allusion or illustration is quite incorrect. The moment we start seeing the earth as our home and heritage, then and only then will all the anomalies we experience come to a minimum. No one goes to a market place and makes it his home. Hence, if we are to protect the human species, we should start caring for our mother earth as though she were our home and not a market... Santus

Our lives should reflect God's benevolence and compassion... Santus 

Do not trade what will be impossible for you to purchase back,  instead, invest in it to achieve what you ever desired....Santus

Apparently, when we look at God's work in us (humans)  we are obliged to make a wholehearted appreciation.... Santus

Some DON'Ts you should never forget. 

Don't condemn yourself if God has never condemned you. 
Don't say it is over because God is never tired of making everything good for you.... Santus

Many a time, we believe listening or reading an inspirational quote is just to be relieved or be happy with ourselves. No, It is for us to ponder on, put back our shoes on our feet and retrace our steps.... Santus

Smile at every humiliation as though it never mattered but when such becomes a routine, frown like a tiger... Santus

Just for the mean time, your body is the totality of what you make of it.... Santus 


I am just an ink in the hands of the eternal writer to imprint sophia and to unveil the fogs in human faculty

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