Truth.... Ananahjr


Without any form of equivocation, false dilemma or dichotomy

Evil is defined as the absence of good.

Truth can be both good and evil.

Therefore, truth can also be evil, as it can be a manifestation of the absence of good.

The logical conclusion is that we must strive to cultivate goodness in ourselves and in the world around us. We must actively work to counteract evil and promote positive values such as kindness, compassion, and justice. While it is true that evil can be seen as the absence of good, it is important to recognize that it can also be a deliberate choice made by individuals or groups. Therefore, we must remain vigilant and actively work to promote goodness and combat evil in all its forms. Ultimately, it is up to each of us to choose which path we will take and what kind of world we will create.



I am just an ink in the hands of the eternal writer to imprint sophia and to unveil the fogs in human faculty

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