Love Quotes ..... Santussly2022


Nothing is sweeter than the honey from the comb you are the honey that makes my life sweet hun. I miss you when we don't get to talk.~Ananah Jr.

I can't explain the way you make me feel whenever I get the chance to talk with you hun. Just had to let you know, loving you is the best thing that ever happened to me.~Ananah Jr.

I will accept anything from you hun. You're the best gift I have ever received in life.. ~Ananah Jr.

I am always happy talking to you honey, even when I am having a bad day you easily make me happy and turn my sadness to joy. I love you. ~Ananah Jr.

When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better, too. I'm looking forward to seeing what the future holds for us. ~ Ananah Jr.

I can't explain the way you make me feel whenever I get the chance to talk with you hun. Just had to let you know, loving you is the best thing that happened to me. ~Ananah Jr.

My heart longs to see you love. And hopefully we meet soon and start our forever together. ~Ananah Jr.

I wake up everyday knowing that I'll get to talk to you and that I am one day closer to you coming home and finally getting to see you. ~Ananah Jr.

I'm happier because you are happy with me. Without you in my life I will be body without soul, a matter without essence, a form without appearance. ~Ananah Jr.

 I wake up every morning with a smile of having you in my life. I love you so much. ~Ananah Jr.

The moment I met you I knew I have been blessed with someone who has every potential a good woman should have. You have been a source of inspiration to me and I can boldly say I love you and will always be the man you ever desired in this life and beyond. ~Ananah Jr.

 I may not know everything, but there's one thing that I know and am sure of; I love you. ~Ananah Jr.

I am always happy to receive your text hunny and I can't wait to come home to you. I love you so much. ~Ananah Jr.

Hey hun, I woke up not quite long. And reading your text has brought a great smile on my face and the day has started so beautifully with you my love. ~Ananah Jr.

I will always care for you no matter the situation that comes. My life is beautiful spending it with you. Your heart is full of love and care for me, this I can see and feel every second I spend with you. I love you.~Ananah Jr.

Every moment that I think about you, I always thank God for giving me a lovely partner like you, you make my world a wonderful place, I cannot live without you. I have prayed to God to make you my wife until eternity so that I would have to take care of you always. I love you. ~Ananah Jr

I will ever be yours and completely yours alone, I'm true to my words and I will never break any of them. I want you to be my forever. You mean the whole world to me. ~Ananah Jr.

Thanks so much. You're my comforter and my support my love. You're the only one giving me the zeal of moving forward. I love you now and always. ~Ananah Jr.

All that I can offer you is a family. I can offer you a family that will stick together through the good and the bad. I can offer you a family that will support each other every day. Hun and i promise to make you happy always no matter the situation we’re into I’ll always make you happy. ~Ananah Jr. 

I'm looking forward to so many things with you. All I ask for is your love, patience and support. And I also pledge my whole being for you my love.~Ananah Jr.

Composed and compiled by,

Ananah jr.




I am just an ink in the hands of the eternal writer to imprint sophia and to unveil the fogs in human faculty

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